Geraldine Bright
Cranial Sacral Therapist
After graduating in Australia I moved to New Zealand where I worked as an osteopath for 21 years. I then relocated to the USA to be closer to family.
Although I am a Doctor of Osteopathy in Australia and New Zealand, I am not a licensed doctor of Osteopathy (DO) in the USA. I am however, a licensed and Certified Massage Therapist and practice Osteopathic Cranial Techniques or Cranial Sacral Therapy under that license.
I have worked with babies and children indepthly over the years and have extensive experience with newborns. I also have considerable experience working with elite athletes many of whom are Olympic medalists.
My patients have been of all ages and conditions including severe and unusual cases that traditional medicine could not help. Even the most complex cases will often improve because of the power their body has to heal which is enhanced by therapy.
I find it interesting and fulfilling working with people who have what appears to be difficult problems that have not been helped by other therapists or doctors. So feel free to come and see me with your long standing health issues as well as the newer problems.
About Geraldine
I have had the good fortune of learning from some of the most talented, gifted and experienced osteopaths in the world which has served me well in my work.
Dr Doris Tanner from Regina Saskatchewan Canada was 92 (she retired at 98 and died age 102 ) was someone I spent many months with. She taught me much with her 60+ years of experience in cranial osteopathy. She had been a part of Dr Sutherland's initial study group while he developed cranial osteopathy.
Some of the other brilliant osteopaths I learnt from and highly recommend are Drs:
Viola Frymann (San Diego CA USA)
Melita Glanville (Vancouver BC Canada)
Anthony Norrie, Jude Lloyd,
Gerry Whineray (New Zealand)
Maxwell Fravel, Dion Kullak, George Stylian, Margaret Matthews (Australia)
Charles Schuetz (Edmonds WA USA)
Margaret Sorrel ( CA USA )
Rachel Brookes (Portland OR USA)
Sue Turner, Giles Cleghorn (England)
B.App.SC (Osteopathy) PIT 1990 Melbourne Australia
Grad Dip (Osteopathic Pediatrics) 1996 RMIT Melbourne Australia
Massage Diploma Ananda Massage Training Washington USA 2012
Licensed Massage Therapist Washington
(LMT) MA60293100
Certified Massage Therapist Californnia
(CMT) 49769
Sutherland Cranial Teaching foundation of Australia and New Zealand lecturer since 1993
Affiliate Member American Osteopathic Cranial Academy AMTA member